Mon. 21 February 2022 – 19:30
Moving Strings presents:

Moving Strings Lab

Come peek into our LAB of sound, body, space and movement

Come peek into our LAB of body, sound, movement and space: Spirals, Reflex Voice, Flexible Clarinet, Meditation, Humor and Pain mixed by Moving Strings and collaborators.

After six months of Moving Strings residency at Splendor, we are pleased to invite you into our LAB and share our research and creation. You’re welcome to peek into our kitchen, taste and smell what’s cooking: a flexible clarinet swimming in a soothing sound-bath, emotional extremes that stimulate the voice, the ever fascinating phenomenon of spirals in body and sound, social experimentation with humor and pain and special meditation exercises to enhance focus and connection.

All of these will be joined by dear collaborators - choreographer Manuela Tessie, artist Yawen Fu and some of the Splendor musicians. Join us for an evening that explores and crosses the boundaries between body, movement and space. At the end, with a drink at the bar, we will be happy to talk and hear your experiences and views from the evening

Alex Welch, Maya Felixbrot, Noortje Köhne - Viola
Camille Verhaak - Clarinet
Irene Sorozabal - Voice and Recorders
Jonathan Nagel - Double-bass
Manuela Tessi - Choreographer
Yawen Fu - Artist

Please make a donation for this [livestream]((https://splendoramsterdam.com/livestreams), click HERE

Please Note: a Coronatoegangsbewijs is required for this concert. Click here for more information.

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