Thu. 11 November 2021 – 20:30
Anne La Berge

Reactive Flows

The Fluid Corpus Manipulation Project

The Fluid Corpus Manipulation project (FluCoMa.org) augments the toolset and know-how of creative coding musicians with machine listening and machine learning tools, towards programatic sound bank mining. This week the FluCoMa team has given a workshop in Utrecht at the HKU, but as the four members are primarily musicians: a true presentation can only happen through musicking!

This concert is all about what drives them, how they make music with technology, in their instrument design, their performance, their musical imaginations. Tonight, we are joined by former collaborators, to present our musical diversity in its full diversity: noises, tunes, and everything in between!

James Bradbury Interferences for live electronics
Anne La Berge & Ted Moore improvisation for flute and live electronics
Hans Leeuw & P.A.Tremblay new work for trumpet and live electronics
Owen Green (video) Race to the bottom
Guest Student new work

Please Note: a Coronatoegangsbewijs is required for this concert. Click here for more information.

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