Sun. 9 June 2024 – 15:00
Ties Mellema

Vinsent Planjer

Warm to the Touch | Album presentation

The new music by this innovative percussionist is a banquet of sound. With many special guests!

Warm to the Touch is the new album by jazz drummer/percussion/composer Vinsent Planjer on which he plays his own compositions in duo and trio settings. his musical partners in this adventure are nothing short of the top players in Dutch classical music and jazz. This high level of skill is essential because the compositions are challenging, both technically and in terms of musical choices. The performance of music in the unusual combination of percussion and melodic instrument has no standard approach.

What’s more, Planjer insisted on some degree of improvisational input from each musical partner, which for some is not within their natural comfort zone. The result is a collection of eight highly diverse pieces, showcasing a broad range of interests and inspirations.

Throughout his career as a performing musician, Vinsent Planjer has focused on using percussion to evoke a multitude of moods and emotions, from meditative to exuberant, tender to aggressive, humorous to dead serious. The underlying idea is the belief that (non-melodic) percussion can communicate the entire spectrum of musical experiences.

Vinsent Planjer – percussion
Ties Mellema – saxophone
Hermine Deurloo – harmonica
Tatiana Koleva – marimba
Celia García García – piano
Tony Overwater – double bass
Rembrandt Frerichs – piano

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