Zo. 16 december 2018 – 14:15

Vrede in Niemandsland

Een Kerstverhaal

"Blood and peace, enmity and fraternity wars most amazing paradox. The night wore on to dawn a night made easier by songs from German trenches, the pipings of piccolos and from our broad lines laughter and Christmas carols"
- Private Frederick W. Heath, writing from trenches in December of 1914

Aan the begin van The Great War stopten de kanonnen spontaan: Kerstavond 1914. Voor even maar was het vrede in Niemandsland. Vier jaar en twintig miljoen doden later was de wapenstilstand die de wereld nu, honderd jaar later, gedenkt. Het Amsterdamse vocaal ensemble Duodektet o.l.v. Christiaan Winter presenteert een programma met beelden, teksten en natuurlijk kerstliederen die de soldaten elkaar vanuit de loopgraven toezongen.

Met medewerking van Jan Willem Baljet (bariton en verteller), Dave Kutz (tuba) en Paul van Utrecht (gitaar).

Peace in No Mans Land

A Christmas Story

"Blood and peace, enmity and fraternity wars most amazing paradox. The night wore on to dawn a night made easier by songs from German trenches, the pipings of piccolos and from our broad lines laughter and Christmas carols"
- Private Frederick W. Heath, writing from trenches in December of 1914

At the beginning of The Great War the canons ceased fire spontaneously: Christmas Eve 1914. Four years later and twenty million deaths later was the Armistice that the world commemorates now, a hundred years afterwards. The Amsterdam Vocal Ensemble Duodektet conducted by Christiaan Winter present a programme with images, texts and of course Christmas songs that the soldiers sung to one another from the trenches.

With Jan Willem Baljet (baritone and narrator), Dave Kutz (tuba) and Paul van Utrecht (guitar).

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